Chebyshev Polynomials

Normally I would try to present this as a solution to a concrete problem, but I don't currently know what an intuitive reason to derive Chebyshev polynomials would be.

Normally Chebyshev polynomials are defined as T_n(cos t) = cos(nt), and the properties of cos are used to derive the actual polynomials T_n(x). I think that these properties of cos are actually best understood as properties of rotation matrices, so what happens if we try to derive Chebyshev polynomials directly using rotation matrices?


Let C be the class of rational polynomials in three variables, x, y, and r, with two polynomials being considered equal if their difference is a multiple of x^2 + y^2 - r^2, so that in particular, x^2 + y^2 = r^2, allowing us to think of r as the radius of the vector [x, y].

Now let M be the class of 2x2 matrices whose entries are all elements of C, and consider the matrix R = [x, -y; y, x] which appears to represent an arbitrary rotation-dilation matrix xI + yJ, and whose determinant is r^2. Raising R to powers, we get:

R = xI + yJ

R^2 = (2x^2 - r^2)I + 2xyJ

R^3 = (4x^3 - 3xr^2)I + (4x^2 - r^2)yJ

R^4 = (8x^4 - 8x^2r^2 + r^4)I + (8x^3 - 4xr^2)yJ

Evaluating with r = 1 we can see R^n = T_n(x)I + U_n(x)yJ.