Exponential Growth

The exponential growth function exp(x) is a fundamental object of calculus, which satisfies the defining differential equation dy/dx = y. Here I will describe how applying Euler's Method (which is normally understood to be approximate) to this differential equation can be used to derive all of the important properties of the exponential growth function.


Euler's Method approximately solves the differential equation dy/dx = f(x, y) subject to the initial condition y(0) = a, by taking the approximation y(x+h)-y(x) ~= h*f(x, y(x)), giving the iterative method y((n+1)*h) = y(n*h) + h * f(n*h, y(n*h)). By letting h shrink to zero, while choosing n to be within a finite distance of x/h, this method should converge to an exact value y(x), and then the derivative (y(x+h) - y(x))/h should converge to the function f(x, y) almost by construction. This method is simple and (when presented more carefully) is easy to understand, and can approximate a large variety of differential equations, but crucially, the larger the second derivative of y, the less accurate this method will be for large x, taking smaller and smaller h to converge. Thinking about the limit that this method converges to, we can overcome this detail, but it is important to remember when understanding the method in finite cases.

Applying this method to the exponential growth equation dy/dx = y we get the recurrence relation y((n+1)*h) = (1 + h) * y(n*h), which can be solved recursively to give y(n*h) = y(0) * (1 + h)^n. Focussing on the specific case y(0) = 1, we can define the exponential growth function exp(x) to be the limit of (1 + h)^n as h goes to zero. Depending on how we relate n and h, we can develop different formulas for this same function, which should be equal, as long as the difference between n and x/h is bounded.

Geometric Interpretation

By fixing h, and letting n grow, we can interpret (1 + h)^n as a geometric sequence, and can observe, for example, that exp(a + b) ~= (1 + h)^(m+n) = (1 + h)^m(1 + h)^n ~= exp(a)exp(b), i.e. that exp(a + b) ~= exp(a)exp(b). As we know, this equation is exact, i.e. the difference between these two expressions converges to zero, and we can show this by choosing m and n more carefully. If a and b are both rational numbers, then we can let k be an arbitrary multiple of their lowest common denominator, so that m = ak and n = bk are both whole numbers, and then fix h as 1/k, so that m = a/h and n = b/k hold simultaneously. This gives us a family of approximations of exp(a + b) and exp(a)exp(b) that are exactly equal, and as k gets arbitrarily large, these approximations should converge to both values simultaneously, which demonstrates that they are equal to each other.

In a similar manner, this geometric interpretation also lets us show that exp(ab) = exp(a)^b, this time picking k to be an arbitrary multiple of the denominator of a times the denominator of b. Both sides of the equation will be approximately equal to (1 + 1/k)^(abk), and thus must be exactly equal to each other since this approximation can be made arbitrarily accurate. In particular this lets us define Euler's number e = exp(1), so that exp(x) = e^x.

Binomial Interpretation

Alternatively, we can fix n and let h = x/n, in order to approximate exp(x) as the polynomial (1 + x/n)^n, which will be a continuous function in x that we can easily compute as well as analyse.

Series Interpretation