Rolle's Theorem

Rolle's Theorem is normally proved using the extreme value theorem, but we can in fact implement Rolle's Theorem as a bisection algorithm, similar to the intermediate value theorem.

Given a function f and its derivative f', defined over some interval [a, b], we can find an increasing sequence of arguments l(n) and a decreasing sequence of arguments r(n), so that at least one of them is infinite, elements of l are always less than elements of r, and the distance between them gets arbitrarily small as both sequences progress, along with any of the following properties:

  1. f'(l(n)) is eventually always positive, and f'(r(n)) is eventually always negative, or vice versa, both converging to zero,
  2. f'(l(n)) is eventually always positive, and f'(r(n)) is eventually always negative, or vice versa, but at least one is always at least distance h from zero,
  3. f'(l(n)) and f'(r(n)) are always positive, and f(l(n)) never decreases as n increases, and is eventually greater than any value f(r(n)), or
  4. f'(l(n)) and f'(r(n)) are always negative, and f(r(n)) never increases as n increases, and is eventually less than any value f(l(n))/

In case 1. we have an approximation of a turning point. In case 2. we have a discontinuity in f'. In case 3. f(l(n)) and f(r(n)) must converge to a discontinuity in f, or else r(n) will converge to a place where f'(x) is zero or negative, giving either a turning point or a discontinuity in f'. Similar will happen symmetrically in case 4. If f and f' are continuous, then only outcomes that converge to a turning point will be possible.

In order to achieve one of these outcomes, we compare the current left and right extremes l and r to their midpoint m=(l+r)/2, and if f'(m) is zero, we terminate with an exact value, otherwise we observe the following cases:

In the cases where all of our derivatives are the same, we aim to keep one sequence increasing or decreasing, since it must contain some kind of s bend in order to turn the other way and then recover the same sign in its derivative. Then we will either find a different sign, or yield one of outcomes 3. or 4.